Buying ad-space is quick and easy. all you need is a credit card or a paypal account, scroll down to what you want read
the quick explanation and then the button that says "buy."
Small Ad-space:
Small ad featured on Runegecko.tripod.com and on supporters page on the forums.
$0.05/m (five cents a month)
$0.08/m 2 ads
Large Banner ad:
Large banner featured on Runegecko.tripod.com and on supporters area on the forums.
$0.25/m (twety five cents a month)
$0.35/m 2 ads
Buy a full page:
What is it, it is a full page ad where you tell people veiwing it all about your wonderful website or product. This feature
is a bit tricky though, what you do is E-Mail me the info and or pictures that you would like on the page, and if you have
paid i will turn this into a page featured on both of the site.